An Introduction to Numbers in Clojure
I've been learning about numbers in Clojure. I found that I needed lots of examples to understand things properly. Here they are.
With Clojure 1.6.0.
(ns com.nomistech.clojure-the-language.clojure-numerics-test (:require [midje.sweet :refer :all])) ;;;; ___________________________________________________________________________ ;;;; ---- Terminology ---- ;; The phrase "equivalent value" is used when two numbers, possibly of ;; different types, are the same value as seen from the point of view of ;; mathematics. So, for example, 2 and 2.0 are equivalent values. ;;;; ___________________________________________________________________________ ;;;; ---- Clojure's numeric types ---- (fact "Some of Clojure's numeric types are from java.lang" (fact (= Byte java.lang.Byte) => true) (fact (= Short java.lang.Short) => true) (fact (= Integer java.lang.Integer) => true) (fact (= Long java.lang.Long) => true) (fact (= Float java.lang.Float) => true) (fact (= Double java.lang.Double) => true)) (fact "Some of Clojure's numeric types are from java.math" (fact (= BigDecimal java.math.BigDecimal) => true) (fact (= BigInteger java.math.BigInteger) => true)) (fact "Some of Clojure's numeric types are from clojure.lang" ;; These are not available without the clojure.lang. prefix. (fact clojure.lang.BigInt => clojure.lang.BigInt) (fact clojure.lang.Ratio => clojure.lang.Ratio)) (fact "We can produce unboxed values" ;; **** Is there a way to make a test of this? (byte 2) (short 2) (int 2) (float 2.2) (double 2.2)) (fact "Some examples of values that have literal representations" (fact (type 2) => Long) (fact (type 2N) => clojure.lang.BigInt) (fact (type 2/3) => clojure.lang.Ratio) (fact (type 2.0M) => BigDecimal) (fact (type 2M) => BigDecimal) (fact (type 2.0) => Double)) (fact "Some examples of values that do not have literal representations" (fact (type (Byte. (byte 2))) => Byte) (fact (type (Short. (short 2))) => Short) (fact (type (Integer. (int 2))) => Integer) (fact (type (BigInteger. "2")) => BigInteger) (fact (type (Float. (float 2.0))) => Float)) (fact "Autoboxing when calling a function" (fact (type (byte 2)) => Byte) (fact (type (short 2)) => Short) (fact (type (int 2)) => Integer) (fact (type (long 2)) => Long) (fact (type (float 2.0)) => Float)) (fact "Ratios are turned into Longs if possible" (type 4/2) => Long) ;; From /Clojure Programming/, p427: "double is the only representation that ;; is inherently inexact". ;;;; ___________________________________________________________________________ ;;;; ---- `identical?` ---- ;;;; The doc string: ;;;; Tests whether two arguments are the same object. ;; /Clojure Programming/ p433 says: ;; In general, numbers will never be identical?, even if provided as ;; literals. (fact "In general, two numbers created from two same-looking literals are not identical" (fact (identical? 2000 2000) => false) (fact (identical? 2N 2N) => false) (fact (identical? 2/3 2/3) => false) (fact (identical? 2M 2M) => false) (fact (identical? 2.0M 2.0M) => false) (fact (identical? 2.0 2.0) => false)) (fact "In some cases, two numbers created from two same-looking literals are identical" (identical? 2 2) => true) (fact "Same-valued fixnums are identical to each other, but same-valued non-fixnums are not identical to each other" ;; Explained by /Clojure Programming/ p433 which says: ;; The exception is that the JVM (and therefore Clojure) provides for a ;; limited range of fixnums. Fixnums are a pool of boxed integer values ;; that are always used in preference to allocating a new integer. [...] ;; The Oracle JVM’s fixnum range is ±127. ;; jsk: Actually -128 to +127 (fact (identical? -129 -129) => false) (fact (identical? -128 -128) => true) (fact (identical? 127 127) => true) (fact (identical? 128 128) => false)) (fact "But, of course, a number object is identical to itself" (let [x 2N] (identical? x x)) => true) (fact "And, of course, numbers with different representations are not identical" (fact (identical? 2 2N) => false) (fact (identical? 2 2M) => false) (fact (identical? 2 2.0M) => false) (fact (identical? 2 2.0) => false)) ;;;; ___________________________________________________________________________ ;;;; ---- `=` ---- ;;;; The doc string: ;;;; Equality. Returns true if x equals y, false if not. Same as Java ;;;; x.equals(y) except it also works for nil, and compares numbers and ;;;; collections in a type-independent manner. Clojure's immutable data ;;;; structures define equals() (and thus =) as a value, not an identity, ;;;; comparison. ;; I think there's a problem with the doc string: ;; - What does it mean by "in a type-independent manner"? ;; - Is this defined in any authoritative place? ;; - The doc string for `==` uses the phrase "type-independent" with a ;; different (and, to me, intuitive) meaning. ;; - I would expect e.g. (= 2 2M) => true, but that's not so. ;; - I'm not the only one: ;; - See ;; /Clojure Programming/ p433-444 was helpful. ;; We need the notion of categories of numbers. (Is this defined in any ;; authoritative place?) ;; - We have: ;; - integers (e.g. 2, 2N) ;; - ratios (e.g. 2/3) ;; - arbitrary-precision decimals (e.g. 2M, 2.0M) ;; - limited-precision decimals (e.g. 2.0, (Float. 2.0)) ;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; ---- Things that are fine ---- (fact "All types of integer are usefully comparable using `=`" ;; From /Clojure Programming/ with adjustments (= (Byte. (byte 2)) (Short. (short 2)) (Integer. (int 2)) 2 2N) => true) (fact "Ratios are usefully comparable using `=`" (= 2/3 2/3) => true) (fact "Arbitrary-precision decimals are usefully comparable using `=`" (= 1.25M 1.25M) => true) (fact "Limited-precision decimals of different widths are usefully comparable using `=`" ;; From /Clojure Programming/ (= 1.25 ; a Double (Float. 1.25)) => true) ;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; ---- The thing that is, in my opinion, contrary to the doc string ---- (fact "`=` returns false for comparisons of equivalent numbers of different categories" ;; From /Clojure Programming/ with some changes and additions (fact (= 2 2.0) => false) (fact (= 2 2M) => false) (fact (= 2N 2M) => false) (fact (= 1.25 5/4) => false)) ;; From /Clojure Programming/: ;; Clojure’s `=` could obviate these type differences (as Ruby and Python ;; do), but doing so would impose some runtime cost that would be ;; unappreciated by those who need to maximize the performance of programs ;; that work with homogeneous numeric data. ;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; ---- My playing ---- ;; Shows that "same category" is A Thing, as /Clojure Programming/ says. Shows ;; that the doc string's "type-independent manner" is wrong (according to what ;; I think that should mean). ;; Summary, showing the equivalence classes apart from Ratios: ;;; ;; Key to the table entries: ;;; ;; = means (= x y) is true ;; . means (= x y) is false ;; where x is the row value and y is the column value ;;; ;; F2.0 means (Float. 2.0) ;;; ;; ;; -------------------------------------- ;; = | 2 2N | 2M 2.0M | 2.0 F2.0 | ;; ----------------------------------------------- ;; | | | | | ;; | 2 | = = | . . | . . | ;; | | | | | ;; | 2N | = = | . . | . . | ;; | | | | | ;; ----------------------------------------------- ;; | | | | | ;; | 2M | . . | = = | . . | ;; | | | | | ;; | 2.0M | . . | = = | . . | ;; | | | | | ;; ----------------------------------------------- ;; | | | | | ;; | 2.0 | . . | . . | = = | ;; | | | | | ;; | F2.0 | . . | . . | = = | ;; | | | | | ;; ----------------------------------------------- (fact "Two numbers of the same type and with equivalent value are equal using `=`" (fact (= 2 2) => true) (fact (= 2N 2N) => true) (fact (= 2/3 2/3) => true) (fact (= 2M 2M) => true) (fact (= 2.0M 2.0M) => true) (fact (= 2.0 2.0) => true) (fact (= (Float. 2.0) (Float. 2.0)) => true)) (fact "Two numbers of the same category and with equivalent value are equal using `=`" (fact (= 2 2N) => true) (fact (= 2M 2.0M) => true) (fact (= 2.0 (Float. 2.0)) => true)) (fact "Two numbers of different categories are not equal using `=`" (fact (= 2 2M) => false) (fact (= 2 2.0M) => false) (fact (= 2 2.0) => false) (fact (= 2 (Float. 2.0)) => false) ;; (fact (= 2N 2M) => false) (fact (= 2N 2.0M) => false) (fact (= 2N 2.0) => false) (fact (= 2N (Float. 2.0)) => false) ;; (fact (= 2M 2.0) => false) (fact (= 2M (Float. 2.0)) => false) ;; (fact (= 2.0M 2.0) => false) (fact (= 2.0M (Float. 2.0)) => false)) ;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (fact "Collections use `=` to determine equality" (into #{} [(Byte. (byte 2)) (Short. (short 2)) (Integer. (int 2)) 2 2N 2M 2.0M 2.0 (Float. 2.0)]) => #{2 2.0M 2.0}) ;;;; ___________________________________________________________________________ ;;;; ---- `==` ---- ;;;; The doc string: ;;;; Returns non-nil if nums all have the equivalent value (type-independent), ;;;; otherwise false. ;; The doc string uses the phrase "type-independent" in a way that is (to me) ;; intuitive, but which has a different meaning to that in the doc string for ;; `=`. ;; From /Clojure Programming/: ;; Clojure opts to provide a third notion of equality, specifically to ;; address the need for type-insensitive equivalence tests. (fact "Numbers with an equivalent value are equal using `==`" (== (Byte. (byte 2)) (Short. (short 2)) (Integer. (int 2)) 2 2N 2M 2.0M 2.0 (Float. 2.0)) => true) ;;;; ___________________________________________________________________________ ;;;; ---- Going from Longs to BigInts and vice versa, or not ---- (def max-long-plus-1 9223372036854775808N) (fact "About the 'ordinary' arithmetic operators" ;; (fact "Throw exceptions on overflow" (inc Long/MAX_VALUE) => (throws ArithmeticException "integer overflow")) ;; (fact "We can avoid overflow exceptions by coercing to BigInt first" (inc (bigint Long/MAX_VALUE)) => max-long-plus-1) ;; (fact "Do not demote from BigInt" (type (- max-long-plus-1 Long/MAX_VALUE)) => clojure.lang.BigInt)) (fact "About the xxxx' operators" ;; (fact "Auto-promote" (inc' Long/MAX_VALUE) => max-long-plus-1) ;; (fact "Do not promote if unnecessary" (type (inc' 1)) => Long) ;; (fact "Do not demote" (type (dec' (inc' Long/MAX_VALUE))) => clojure.lang.BigInt)) (def boxed-max-long Long/MAX_VALUE) (fact "About the unchecked-xxxx operators" ;; (fact "Don't check for overflow" (unchecked-inc Long/MAX_VALUE) => Long/MIN_VALUE) ;; (fact "Only do what you expect on longs, not Longs" ;; The doc strings for unchecked operations only define what happens ;; for (unboxed) longs, not for (boxed) Longs. ;; - See (fact "With a boxed value it seems weird" (unchecked-inc boxed-max-long) => (throws ArithmeticException "integer overflow")) (fact "But with an unboxed value it's as you'd expect" (let [unboxed-max-long Long/MAX_VALUE] (unchecked-inc unboxed-max-long)) => Long/MIN_VALUE))) ;;;; ___________________________________________________________________________ ;;;; ---- Some things about BigInts and Ratios ---- (fact "About the ratio of a BigInt and a Long-or-a-BigInt" (let [an-even-big-int (+' Long/MAX_VALUE 1) an-odd-big-int (+' Long/MAX_VALUE 2)] (assert (even? an-even-big-int)) (assert (odd? an-odd-big-int)) (assert (= (type an-even-big-int) clojure.lang.BigInt)) (assert (= (type an-odd-big-int) clojure.lang.BigInt)) (fact "If the ratio is an integer it is a BigInt" (type (/ an-even-big-int 2)) => clojure.lang.BigInt (type (/ an-even-big-int 2N)) => clojure.lang.BigInt) (fact "If ratio is not an integer it is a Ratio" (type (/ an-odd-big-int 2)) => clojure.lang.Ratio (type (/ an-odd-big-int 2N)) => clojure.lang.Ratio)))
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