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Basic Om Concepts
I've been learning the basics of Om recently, using the Om Basic Tutorial and the Om Intermediate Tutorial. It's been a bit of a struggle. Partly it's because I don't know React (on which Om builds), but it's also because, in my opinion at least, the tutorials don't do a very good job of explaining concepts. I found it necessary to do a fair amount of Googling in order to make sense of the tutorials.
Here's my attempt at explaining the basic Om concepts used in the tutorials. I do this in two stages: first I give a brief overview of some core concepts, then I expand on those core concepts and discuss some other concepts.
The intended audience here is someone who understands that Om is a functional approach to web UIs, and who has at least a rough idea of functional programming and of UI programming in general, and of Clojure and of the DOM in particular.
This article will probably be hard going if read in isolation, but if used as a resource when going through the Om tutorials it will be easier to follow.